Friday, August 3, 2007


Can you believe it? I have come into somthing so special! You are going to laugh, or maybe not! For the Melancholy out there you are going to say, What!! Well here goes: we are not where I thought we would be this is not the pastor I thought was sending for me. But what a true blessing, we have already had so many confirmations. WE ARE HERE GOD! I can only laugh!!!
Wow, My soul is in delight! Our day starts out driving through the city to the trash dump where people go to scavenge to find something to eat and then we would go to the squatters camp to see the vision of the Pastors to build a Dream Centre for the people. More to come... I must get ready on the move again. Love to all Pastor Cindi


Anonymous said...

Dearest One:

You know what a joy you are to our Lord Jesus. He sees your willing heart. What an adventure you are willing to take going where He will have you to go, even if it is not where you thought you were going. What a Sparky, a Spark for him!! Light a fire dear Sister!!!
I love you and am praying often in the Spirit for you as He knows what you have need of at a particular moment far better than I. I love you dear one. God Bless & Keep you in the center of HIS WILL! I love you. Cathy

Cher said...

You are such a joy. I can hear you in your writing. I see your smile, so big and beautiful.
Oh how I know our loving Father is enjoying you his daughter, through this time in your life and in doing his work and loving every min. of what ever comes your way.

I wait to hear more about the rest of your travels.

As Cathy said: light the fire. You are the fire starter every where you go. that was spoken back in Jan. Feb. and March of 2006. Look at you. Still lighting the fires in every place you have spoken.

I love you and am in daily prayer for you and our beautiful lady Collen. I love and miss you.

7 more days.

XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO goes out to you both.

Anonymous said...

I love it, God has set you out on such a grand adventure! I am in Houston again. I came down with my parrents to visit my grandfather as kind of a thank you for all the help that he gave me and as one last visit before school really picks up.

God bless you both and keep the updates coming!

MissJay said...

I miss you so very much and the words you spoke are still so very real. Am praying for you and Colleen that only HIS doors open before you and that you have have wisdom to know which ones to walk through. I love you.

Unknown said...

Well I am the pastor. We are so blessed having pastor Cindi and Colleen here. You are really somebody that ignites fires!

Cher said...

Good Day to you,

God's mercy endures forever! His willingness to act on man's behalf is still operating in the earth. His mercy never runs out.

"Praise the Lord! His mercy endureth forever!" Mighty and powerful things happened when Israel said these words. They are words of praise and adoration to God.

When Solomon finished building the house of the Lord, the trumpeters and singers lifted their voices as one, and with trumpets, cymbals, and instruments of music, they praised the Lord saying, "For He is good: for His mercy endureth forever."

Jehoshaphat appointed singers unto the Lord to go before the army and say, "Praise the Lord! For His mercy endureth forever."

It has been thousands of years since the Lord said His mercy extended to a thousand generations, and His mercy continues to reach you day after day.
He is still pouring mercy unto them that call upon Him.
With your spirit, stretching your faith to take in the boundless mercy of God.I know you have said,

"The Lord He is good and His mercy endureth forever. His mercy surrounds me even today!"

2 Chronicles 5:1-14
I wanted to share my reading for today with you and Colleen.

I Love you.
6 days & counting.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Cindi,
God sees your earnest prayers for the sick and destitute and he is dispensing angels and answers on their behalf!! These dear children of God soak you and Colleen up like a sponge. Keep singing, it is the creative link to their souls that lighten their load and receive peace like a river... We are praying for you, Metz's

Anonymous said...

Hey I just was on your website today and I found this page. I have read most of your blog entries so now I'm at least kind of caught up as to what's going on.
Well I just wanted to say hello and that i'm praying for you as always. I hope you've been as much as a blessing to them as you have to me in the past.

God Bless
I love you so much
Amanda Donley

nicky said...

Dear Pastor Cindi and Colleen...what a blessing to have been your host and to welcome you into our home in Potchefstroom, South Africa.

You are truly a woman of God, and it is my prayer that you be blessed in abundance. Keep on reaching out to the downtrodden, nations in crisis and people in despair.

May your journeys take you to far places and your ray of light shine
on people and touch their lives, like you have touched my life. God Bless you and 'my sisters house".

Pastor Cindi and Colleen...have a safe journey back to the States and may Gods Angels keep you in the palm of their hands.

Hope to welcome you back in Potchefstroom in the near future.

Yours in Christ


Pastor Cindi said...

Hallelujah, We were blessed beyond measure. Our dear Lord connected our hearts with new family members and they all look just like me. What a time we had it will be in our memory forever. We are looking forward to how all this goes into the developement of who we are in Christ it is as we are watching him restructure who we are in spirit. So much revealed,so many set free.Praise to our Lord.
Much Love in Him Pastor Cindi

Anonymous said...

Pastor, you are such a bright light of His. Since coming to Tuesday nights, several others have followed due to the new light they have seen within. Also, there have been the most amazing battles going on and I am walking free and in the midst of the battle and knowing where the victory comes from and Who the true Victor is. Praise Him for what He is doing for you as more of us join in and prepare.
Love you, Alicia