Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Do you Honor?

What a change there could be if we all honored one another. We should have it in us as a priority. There is such a sweet spirit around those who honor. We can see it all through out the scritptures. I believe apart of us increases in the spirit as we honor. I have felt such a change in my heart ,I desire to find more ways to honor those around me! I weep as I sit here trying to make one of the last entries from South Africa. My heart will of course miss the love of the Peter Vermeer Famiy, all the special care in the house. Honoring is in their blood. My Dear love Ansie Holtzhausen who makes it all run well when I come here. Special Thanks to her for taking great care of myself and Colleen, running us all over they city, going in areas only she could know, setting up our itinerary, I could go on and on, (she even does little special things like bringing us belgian chocolate spoons)... My Dear Anniki with her warm bags in our bed to keep us warm as we run in from more late hours of speaking and ministering. She always has a happy heart and warm love. These are the 2 Angels who met me in Kansas and opened the doors to South Africa. These are those you may come to learn the gift of honoring from. As you can see God has again taught us to open up our Hearts to His children and become one big family. We now leave our South African Family, who beautifully show His love in their eveyday life. Many Thanks !! Love Pastor Cindi and Colleen


Cher said...

Proverds 2:6 For the Lord gives skillful and godly Wisdom; from the knowledge of {our omniscient}God.

Thank you, Lord, for giving Pastor Cindi skillful and godly wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

All my Love,

Pastor Cindi said...

You are the best Sister; thank you for your faithful heart.Love Cindi Sue

Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Cindi,

I receive you and your girls as the gift that God has sent, as Anniki knew you before she met you, how is that possible only through the Holy Spirit, that is why you are our blessing, and regarding honor, you open the door and now we follow the path with Pastor Riaan as it is the truth, you are open to receive that why we want to give, it is now small but it will prosper and will grow with the Grace of God, you are now part of this family

Love you and all the girls, be blessed in everthing to touch as you have touch this family with GOD


Peter & Anniki and all the Vermeers including Ansie as she is also engrafted in the family

Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Cindi. Thank you for teaching me to honor. My life has changed dramaticly just on your teaching of honoring. I thank God for sending you to South Africa so that I could meet you. I love and miss you so much. Riekie also sends her love. Always your armour bearer in South Africa, Corné