Do you realize nothing can grow in constant sunshine (it would be a desert.) We must have rain in order to bring growth, fruit, and make our roots go deeper. Winter comes in cold and hard, but it does a lot of unknown good as it kills the bugs. Trees send their roots down deeper, a lot of unseen good comes out of winter.
It is easy to endure in the good times. It is when the hard times hit that our endurance is proven. Look at Colossians 1:11 which says: Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.
James 1:2-3: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
We can see how He brings Bible saints through their hardships.
Look at Romans 15:4 which says: For whatever things are written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the scripture might have hope.
The word patience here in the Greek is hupomone which means constancy, perseverance, continuance, bearing up, steadfastness, patient endurance.
Please I charge you to endure to the end...
Let's look at the represents the eternally valuable change that God works within us in a place of constant distress, sand gets stuck in the shell and the oyster keeps rubbing it. The longer the distress for the pearl the more luster and the more valuable it is. That is liken to the hard times that come into our lives. When we endure in "Love" through hardship, we will find ourselves one day walking through the Pearly Gates the "treasure of perfected hardship" I say walk it out in Victory. Don't ever give up! Through the might of G-d's spirit any hardship can be endured.
"Enlarge in who you Are in the Spirit of our Lord"
You are greatly loved!
Pastor Cindi
Let's look at the represents the eternally valuable change that God works within us in a place of constant distress, sand gets stuck in the shell and the oyster keeps rubbing it. The longer the distress for the pearl the more luster and the more valuable it is. That is liken to the hard times that come into our lives. When we endure in "Love" through hardship, we will find ourselves one day walking through the Pearly Gates the "treasure of perfected hardship" I say walk it out in Victory. Don't ever give up! Through the might of G-d's spirit any hardship can be endured.
"Enlarge in who you Are in the Spirit of our Lord"
You are greatly loved!
Pastor Cindi
Wow! What a powerful word! Your life is such a beautiful example of endurance! Thank you for making the decision to pursue God despite anything that may arise. Countless lives have been changed (including my own), because you made that choice! I love you lots and always!! -AmyC
Dearest Cindi!
What powerful words! God is calling us all to endure in different ways and for different reasons. You continue to be an example of a Godly woman who chooses to not compromise in any way in an effort to be obedient to God. I also choose to be obedient to my father. In everything I read or teach to my grandsons, obedience comes forth. If only we could all learn that at an early age!!! How much more powerful our lives would be. I know that if my flesh is in control, I will not be blessed and I want to be blessed as well as a blessing. I know God is in control and he is a living example of a pure love and an accepting father who is just standing by waiting for us to come into relationship with him. Thank you for always lifting me to a higher level no matter the occasion for our meeting face to face. I always carry you in my heart and love you with a love I have for no other. Continue to run the race my sister!
Aunt Debbie
Thank you for enduring woman of God! We are all blessed and our lives are changes because of your decision to endure. We WILL endure through times of trial. God is faithful! I love you! -Lauren
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