Friday, May 9, 2008

Who Am I?


Wow! What a word form our dear SAVIOR. The word says to work out your salvation with all fear and trembling. We are becoming what we will be in Him. The more we surrender to Him, the more we become like Him and the more we are becoming the likeness of Him. My mind is reeling on with all I keep hearing. We are coming so close to something bigger in the spirit and the enemy will fight big, so stay balanced in the word and prayer. Ready your Spirit - God is speaking...are you listening!!!!

Pastor Cindi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Dear Cindi,

Yes, I am listening!! I am also learning about honoring right now.

It was so wonderful to hear my darling daughter giving her testimony to me about the woman who came into the Deb store and set the employees on fire with her story!!! She was so excited to see her co-workers so excited. God is in the trickle down business, that's what I always say. Nothing is ever just about one but always about many...what seems as a blessing for me God uses to trickle down to bless many we never even know about. Your testimony is never just about you but trickles down in that fabulous way that God has of touching soooo many when it felt like just one.

My love and prayers always,

Stacy Schlobohm

p.s. first copy! ;)