Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hello Dear ones
What a word that was given today. We have been encouraged and wow it was powerful.
I spoke today and the Holy Spirit really came in in such a sweet way..
I love what the Lord has been showing me, last night I could not go to sleep my head was racing..
Super powerstuff that I was seeing . Colleen of corse is such a hug blessing no one can ever understand
unless you are with me, how these things just take off. It was such a gift that the Lord sent her with me. So to all who are out there looking on. Know this, we are truly grateful for all your prayers please do not stop. We have been so blessed just to be in the sweetness of our Lords children . Pastor Tom and I have had some wonderful talks, with Colleen taking notes.. PLEASE KEEP
Writing it means so much when your out on the road like this.. I am carefully praying over each who wrote !!!
Thank you! Love Pastor Cindi


"Profit" Larry Favalora said...

It is an answer to prayer to see that the Holy One of israel is alive and active in those who cherish Him, seek His Face and honor Him in obedience. Greatness is in you, joy is on you and the anointing will follow you as you love and seek to build up those who are hurting. Your compassion is inspiring- GO, PASTOR CINDI, GO!!

Your Celebrated in Tulsa!
"Profit" Larry

Anonymous said...

Hey Aunt Cindi, I love you so much and it is so awesome to hear about your experiences. You and your girls are in my prayers. Love you! Angel

Cher said...

Hello Paster,

Please try again.
we missed the call and I was helping

We wait to hear from you


Cher said...

"Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets."
(Luke 6:22-23)

Cher said...

Luke 6:23
Just follow the instructions in that last verse. When persecution comes, when friends or fami
ly criticize you because you lay hands on the sick and believe in healing, and when coworkers call you a fanatic because you love Jesus and aren't afraid to say so, rejoice! Shout hallelujah and leap for joy!

I tell you that will discourage the devil to no end. He's expecting that persecution to hurt you. He's expecting it to damage your faith, to wipe you out, and to leave you in dismay.

I'm not saying you should enjoy the persecution itself. But you can learn to overlook the discomfort of those things by focusing your attention on the reward that's coming and the fact that Jesus said you are blessed.

The Apostle Paul certainly knew how to do that. He was an expert on rejoicing in the midst of persecution. Satan was constantly stirring up trouble for him. But do you know what he said about all that persecution? He said it was not even worth considering compared to the glory that was about to be revealed.

If Paul could rejoice in the midst of beatings, stonings, shipwrecks, imprisonment and almost every other kind of persecution, you can too!

Just do what he did. When he was told by the Holy Ghost that bonds and afflictions awaited him, he said, "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God" (Acts 20:24).

Don't get all caught up in what people think and what people say down here on earth. Get caught up in pleasing the Lord. Get caught up in finishing your course with joy. Get caught up in the glorious hope that's ahead. For that hope is enough to make anyone--under any circumstances--leap for joy!

Anonymous said...

I know that as always you must be making a big impact everywhere you go! I love you so much!

Shana Nicole said...

I love Larry's comment so much, I just want to say yay, i agree. love you!