Monday, July 16, 2007

Are you faithful when no one is watching?

You chase after the Anointing, the Anointing does not go after you.. Elisha was serving the man of God and others tried to discourage him, but he never listened . He would not leave Elijahs side. Thus he got the double anointing.People are already planning the 2010 Olympic's they are budgeting for their hotel rooms . Yet they will not plan to chase after the voice of God or Hear what he says we should pour into.I have an anointing I need to unlock inside of me. and Iam going to chase after God.I must first realize who God placed in my Life to speak into me .. we become a people of let me Have my own way, my own Faith, that will get you nowhere. As the body is one they will raise up an army to move forward for Christ Jesus Our Lord and Savior.Every time you see some one serve the Man of God in the bible you see Him Blessed..Your involvement is the key to your calling how much our you willing to really put your self out there for the Love of God..Remember your response determines your destiny. You are part of something greater then yourself.If you have no appetite for the things of God then something is under threat. If we do not grow there is no life . You must desire to eat the word in order to thrive. We are salt to the world so shake out some salt . Make yourself get out of the Shaker so you can be used. We are the Flavor the spice that God uses to bring things together. Please I ask that you think on your words so that you may reach your destiny or potential in Christ. Release powerful Scriptures over yourself . Do not let anyone else Create your world , because they will create it too small.
I love you all keep Jesus in the center of your thoughts
Stay Focused
Pastor Cindi


Shana Nicole said...

that's a good word.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Cindi, we have tickets for the Woman of excellance in JNB. Hope to see you on Saturday. We can't make it on Friday. How are you keeping? We miss you so much. Thank you for sharing the Word with us. The things you write is just great. Love and miss you.

Pastor Cindi said...

Shana Nicole ; We Love you and as you well know, we may not be able to get through ,but as we can we will get a word to you. We leave London to day into Jo-burg. We don't know how long before we can set up the net.Keep us in your prayers.. Please remember how much it means to us to get a word..Thank you.143 Pastor Cindi

Ansie ;I can't wait to see you, we are both very excited,I have only Colleen with me. Thank you for planning on being there . You are so loving and supporting. We are excited to see you! Blessings on you. Love Pastor.