Saturday, January 31, 2009

Christ like Quality for enduring.

We all hit times when everything in our spiritual life seems void of inspiration. You have to make a decision in advance that you will never give up on the pursuit of G-d. It has to be in you, written out on the tablets of your heart, so it can not be stolen or shaken off of you when times get tough. We must be like the animals that store up for winter. Always preparing ourselves for the time when we may not be able to reach for the word or put on our worship. It must be what makes up, "who you are.' This kind of tenacious commitment to endurance will open the path to the most meaningful dimensions of relationship with the Lord.
Do you realize nothing can grow in constant sunshine (it would be a desert.) We must have rain in order to bring growth, fruit, and make our roots go deeper. Winter comes in cold and hard, but it does a lot of unknown good as it kills the bugs. Trees send their roots down deeper, a lot of unseen good comes out of winter.

It is easy to endure in the good times.  It is when the hard times hit that our endurance is proven.  Look at Colossians 1:11 which says:  Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.  
James 1:2-3: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  
We can see how He brings Bible saints through their hardships. 
Look at Romans 15:4 which says:  For whatever things are written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the scripture might have hope.
The word patience here in the Greek is hupomone which means constancy, perseverance, continuance, bearing up, steadfastness, patient endurance.
Please I charge you to endure to the end...

Let's look at the represents the eternally valuable change that God works within us in a place of constant distress, sand gets stuck in the shell and the oyster keeps rubbing it. The longer the distress for the pearl the more luster and the more valuable it is.  That is liken to the hard times that come into our lives. When we endure in "Love" through hardship, we will find ourselves one day walking through the Pearly Gates the "treasure of perfected hardship" I say walk it out in Victory.  Don't ever give up!  Through the might of G-d's spirit any hardship can be endured.

"Enlarge in who you Are in the Spirit of our Lord"

You are greatly loved!
Pastor Cindi

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Love the Greatness of Men Like Moses and Elijah...

Moses could have cried about his life and let it keep him down .. He could of gone on, said I was abandoned. I was raised in a foster home, I was not celebrated, I stutter.
"No! He stepped up in greatness and rose to the full potential that the good Lord had for him, he finished the race.. well done thy good and faithful servant.

Moses received the Ten Commandments, which are still the foundational laws. With the Lord's power Moses confronted and shook the most powerful kingdoms and authorities, including Pharaoh and the magicians of Egypt, with signs and wonders following! (See Exodus 7-11.) He saw the Red Sea split, miracles of supernatural provision, entire armies destroyed, and he led his people to the verge of the promised land (see Exodus 14:13-21; Numbers ,21:21-35; Deut . 32: 48-52). The experiences that Moses had are without number and the record does not fully capture ALL he felt, did, and experienced in God.

Elijah; was not just a prophet, he also moved in signs and wonders, he came against the 450 prophets of Baal, he called fire down from heaven, he would also be transported from one physical location to another (see 1 Kings 18:7-12). He could command rain to stop for 3 1/2 years and to start again (see I Kings 17:1; 1 Kings 18:1). He raised the dead and did provisional miracles, like multiplying the widow's oil (see 1 Kings 17:17-24; 1 Kings 17: 9-16).

We can clearly see the power of trusting in God and HE moved heaven and earth on their behalf.

I have taught for over 7 years on 'Immediate Obedience" I know that in these 2 men we see the fruit of obedience evident in their lives. ( James 1:22) " But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves" If you have read it, you must do it and be obedient to LIVE the word.

We also have been called up to greatness, "Come on" ALL OF YOU I am driven to see the Father (Face to Face).. Lets go. Get your self together, put on your parachutes, and get ready to jump! The Father needs people to join shoulder to shoulder, Now !!!!!!

This is the year 2009 All in His time .. Full Victory!!!! Walk in it! Old things have passed way all things have been made new.

Ephesian 3:20-21 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

May Our Father in Heaven enrich your view of Him
In Jesus Mighty and all powerful Name.

Love to you all Pastor Cindi