Thursday, July 9, 2009

What a Warrior

We say we want the deeper truths, revelation, knowledge, and discernment; we want to be 'joint-heirs with Christ' (Romans 8:16-18); we want all the gifts. We are called Kings and Priests (Rev. 1:5-6);(Rev. 2:10 The Smyrna church will get a crown of life). However, I have come to find that "all Christians" are not the same... in experience, in devotedness, in consecration, nor in overcoming. I want you to have a clear picture of a true overcomer and a warrior. I would watch a family look on, as the mother died slowly, a very painful and agonizing death. She never complained or said "Why me God?" This cancer did not change her relationship with her God. Her sickness did not change who God was to her. She was a warrior and an overcomer. She paid the price. She endured til the end. Will you endure to the end?

There is a price to be paid, as there always is for a monarch. We must be separated unto that calling and trained to fill that place. There is much suffering that precedes that glory. We must share His rejection and humility now. We must cast our lot with Him while He is without a throne.

My heart is to bring some reality in your thinking. I pray you will seek Him and that no matter how your circumstances may look, He does not change who He is to you!

Much Love,

Pastor Cindi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you!! A heartwarming word that reminds me what I strive towards in any and all circumstances.

stacy schlobohm